ATV Accident

Legal Help for Those Injured in an ATV Accident
All-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, are a great way to see new parts of Arizona while not being constrained to a road. There are countless trails to explore through Arizona’s beautiful state and national parks. Many people enjoy ATV driving as a past-time, as they should! Unfortunately, ATVs present dangers that conventional vehicles, such as cars, do not. They often have a narrow wheelbase and higher center of gravity, making them likely to rollover. Accidents can be, and often are, catastrophic. If you or a loved one have been involved in an ATV crash, you need an experienced personal injury attorney at your side.
The Risks of an ATV Accident
ATV’s, like motorcycles, don’t have seatbelts, airbags, or walls. This means accidents are far more dangerous for the driver than an accident involving cars. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) reported that of the 204 ATV accidents in 2018, almost 60% ended in injury and 9% ended in a fatality. That means the chances of getting hurt or dying in an accident while driving an ATV is incredibly high, a little over 2 out of 3.
On top of not offering much protection, due to their intended off-road use, ATV’s can suddenly tip over or throw the driver. One unnoticed rock or dip in your path can send you flying. While they may not weigh as much as other vehicles, they are still hundreds of pounds, and can certainly harm or crush anyone accidentally caught underneath one. These sorts of accidents can lead to irreversible consequences and injuries.
Injuries From an ATV Crash
There are countless possible injuries that can be sustained from an ATV accident. Some are minor, but many are catastrophic.
Broken bones can be mild, with a simple hairline fracture, or can be so severe the only option is amputation.
Skull fractures are incredibly dangerous, as they can lead to brain injury or permanent scarring.
Concussions, if untreated, can lead to permanent brain damage with lasting side effects.
Spinal cord damage can result in any number of permanent issues, such as paralysis. The spinal cord is necessary for a healthy, functioning body. It transmits signals from the brain to the rest of the body. It is incredibly common to injure your spinal cord, especially in ATV accidents.
Paralysis can be caused by a severe spinal cord injury. There are different levels of severity, but all leave you permanently disabled.
Limb amputation happens as either an injury from the collision, or because a limb is so damaged it is unsavable and must be removed by medical professionals. Any limb amputations will have an incredible impact on your life.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a very common injury sustained after an ATV accident. A helmet can help lower the risk of a TBI, but there is no way to completely protect yourself from it. A brain injury can lead to permanent side effects and disability.
Wrongful death is often as a result of another person’s negligence or purposeful action. The death of any loved one can leave you with phycological scars that last a lifetime.
Any accident is dangerous, but ATV accidents in particular can leave a wake of pain and suffering. But collisions are not always your fault, and you deserve the best help possible to recover every penny you are owed.
ATV Accident Liability
If you have been involved in a wreck, the only way to recover damages is if you are able to prove that the collision was due to someone else’s negligence. The accident must include harm caused to the victim, be the fault of someone else, and feature an injury as the result of another person’s carelessness.
This can be difficult with ATV accidents because they often do not involve another vehicle due to the nature of off-roading. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. An experienced personal injury attorney will know what the best course of action is.
In court you will have to demonstrate that the negligent party is at fault, either through direct action or no action at all. Evidence must be provided on how this action or inaction caused injury to the victim. If no injury was sustained then you, unfortunately, cannot make a claim. Finally, you must be able to show the court that the negligent party owes you for costs that are a result of the wreck. For example, medical bills, lost wages, or, in the case of wrongful death, funeral expenses.
Speak With an ATV Accident Lawyer
ATV crashes can be devastating. If you or a loved one have been involved in an ATV accident caused by someone else, you deserve the very best representation. The personal injury attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team may be able to help.