Vehicle Rollovers

What You Need to Know About Rollover Car Accidents
Vehicles are meant to stay stable and firmly planted on all four wheels while on the road, even at high speeds and during sharp turns. While drivers are legally and ethically obligated to drive safely and prevent these circumstances from ever happening, there are many reasons why a rollover accident may occur.
Vehicle rollovers are frequently the result of outside forces, leaving victims inside the rolling vehicle helpless to protect themselves. What makes matters worse is how deadly these accidents can be.
If you or a loved one has been seriously harmed in a rollover car crash, The Husband & Wife Law Team wants to help you receive payment for your severe losses. Get in touch with our truck rollover accident lawyers by contacting us to begin the path to recovery, starting with a free evaluation of your legal rights and case.
What Causes Rollovers?
Rollovers occur when a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof, usually as a result of a large amount of force during a collision, but these types of accidents are more common with certain types of vehicles. Modern sedans and passenger cars are considered bottom-heavy, meaning the weight of the car’s frame and engine keeps it firmly planted on the ground. But with top-heavy vehicles, such as semi-trucks, SUVs, vans, buses, and pickups, the engine is higher off the ground. Because of this, these vehicles are more likely to roll over during a collision and cause severe trauma to occupants, nearby pedestrians, and even other drivers.
Rollovers can either be tripped or un-tripped. A tripped rollover occurs when a vehicle tips onto its side after being struck by another vehicle or hitting another obstacle, such as a curb. Un-tripped rollovers, in contrast, are caused by drivers overcorrecting and trying to stabilize their vehicles, often by over-turning and braking.
Rollovers are largely preventable so long as drivers operate their vehicles safely. Drivers should always pay attention to local speed limits, respond accordingly to dangerous weather, and avoid overloading their vehicles. In our experience, the main causes of rollover accidents include:
Dangerous road designs, especially on rural roads
Overloaded vehicles
Poor weather, such as rain
What Injuries May Be Sustained in a Vehicle Rollover?
Rollover accidents can be extremely violent, subjecting every occupant of the vehicle to severe force, as well as endangering anyone nearby. Because these types of accident are typically far more dangerous than more common car crashes, the injuries that are suffered can be much worse. These include:
Deep lacerations
Crush injuries
Because rollover accidents are so dangerous, many victims are left with permanent disabilities and fatalities frequently occur. Rollovers account for 35% of all deaths in passenger vehicle accidents, according to the NHTSA. This is due to the high risk of roof collapses, which occur when a vehicle is overturned. Occupants can suffer severe crush injuries and blows to the head, often leading to fatal brain damage.
For those who survive, recovering from a vehicle rollover may take months or years, and victims may still never fully heal from their trauma. That is why it is important to discuss your case with an experienced attorney who can determine who is responsible for your injuries and advocate for full compensation.
Proving Fault in a Rollover Crash
In order to receive compensation that pays for your injuries, medical bills, and various other losses, you will need to prove that the person or organization that caused your rollover accident is truly at fault. The first step is to file a police report, and undergo a medical evaluation for your injuries in order to collect needed evidence. Combined with photos of the crash site and testimony from witnesses, you can have what you need to find out the exact reason for your rollover.
Most rollover accidents are the result of someone’s negligence, such as a truck driver who takes a turn too sharply or a drunk driver who T-bones a family van, causing it to tip over. If another driver injured you in a rollover accident, you may be able to pursue compensation from his or her insurance policy.
But negligent drivers are not the only people who may be liable for your injuries. Dangerous road designs, such as blind intersections, sharp corners, and even potholes, can all contribute to the severity of a rollover. The Phoenix Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining all public roads in our city and may be held responsible if poor road design caused your rollover accident.
Another factor to consider is your vehicle. Auto manufacturers are aware of the dangers of rollover accidents with large vehicles like pickup trucks and SUVs, which is why most vehicles are tested for roof strength. If testing showed that your vehicle’s roof could collapse, the manufacturers should have installed safety bars to protect its occupants. Failing to do so, or installing a defective safety bar, could make a manufacturer liable in an auto product liability claim.
Knowing what caused your accident means knowing who to hold responsible for your losses. Whether it is a dangerous driver that hit you, an automaker that manufactured a defective vehicle, or a government agency that allowed its roads to fall into disrepair, you have the right to hold them responsible for your losses. With an experienced injury attorney representing you, you can focus on healing while your case is carefully crafted.
Can a Rollover Accident Attorney Represent Me?
Even though it may be obvious that the at-fault party caused your rollover accident and should pay for your injuries, your case may not be simple and easy. Having an injury attorney in Phoenix provide your legal representation can prevent costly mistakes and give you the best chance at receiving full and fair compensation to cope with your losses.
Do not wait to get in touch with our car accident lawyers. The Husband & Wife Law Team will work to prove fault and gain full and fair compensation for your losses so you can heal free of severe debts. With our years of legal success, you can have the skilled legal representation that you need to succeed in your case and recovery.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.