File a Nexium Injury Lawsuit

An Nexium lawsuit may be necessary if you or someone you love took the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication and suffered serious side effects as a result. For victims of these significant, life-altering, and sometimes life-threatening side effects, life changes instantly and may never be the same again. What’s more, getting the answers you need to better understand what happened to you, and the help you so desperately need, and deserve, to work through recovery and regain some of your previous life and independence, may be more than just difficult. For many victims, it may seem like an impossible dream. But you don’t have to suffer in silence or be bullied into going away and leaving the big drug manufacturers alone. You can raise your voice up and be heard with the right help from the right injury attorney.

The attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team have been working with victims of negligence for more than two decades and we do whatever it takes to ensure that you are treated fairly and that we reach a settlement that ensures you are able to move on with your life and find some peace. We are standing by to take your call and to help you start the journey to your recovery, no matter how long it may be, and we are ready to come to you wherever you are, if you are not able to travel in order to meet with us. All it takes is just one phone call.

What is Nexium?

Nexium, also referred to as esomeprazole, is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) prescription medication that is used to treat diseases and disorders associated with the stomach and esophagus. Some of the most common problems treated by this medication include bacterial infections caused by the H. pylori bacteria, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), relief of heartburn, relief of difficulty swallowing caused by esophageal conditions and acid reflux, and persistent cough also resulting from acid reflux. Nexium is also marketed as a means of healing damage caused by overproduction of acid in the stomach and esophagus and is used as a preventative medication against ulcers and esophageal cancer.

What Side Effects Should I Discuss With My Attorney?

Whether you feel that some of your side effects are minimal compared to others, it is important to discuss all of the side effects that are impairing your life as a result of taking proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications with your Arizona drug injury lawsuit attorney. The most common side effects reported with ongoing or long term usage of Nexium include abnormal heart rate, rapid heart rate, feelings of being dizzy, excessive diarrhea, convulsions, muscle weakness and muscle cramps. But these more common side effects may also be joined by more serious side effects and health complications. These may include kidney failure or chronic kidney disease, kidney inflammation (also known as nephritis), cardiac disorders, dementia, low magnesium levels, allergic reactions, and even increased risk for breaking or fracturing bones.

Can My Lawyer Help Me Hold Someone Responsible for My Injuries?

If you sustained serious injuries, experienced severe complications, or developed significant medical conditions as a result of using Nexium for your stomach or esophagus-related medical problems, you may be able to hold the makers and distributors responsible with the help of an Arizona Nexium attorney. Drug manufacturers and distributors are legally responsible for sharing critical information about the risks associated with use of a drug with the public and with medical providers and pharmacies. If the makers or distributors of Nexium failed to do so in regards to your use of the prescription medication, you may have a winnable case.

What Compensation Can I Get for My Nexium Injuries?

Because every injury case is different, there is no set amount of compensation that you will be guaranteed for your Nexium injuries. Working with a skilled attorney is the best way to ensure that you are treated fairly and do receive fair compensation for your injuries and complications that resulted from use of Nexium. Victims who are able to successfully negotiate a settlement typically receive compensation to cover expenses for medical care for the short and long term related to their Nexium complications, pain and suffering for the victim and for their family, loss of wages for the victim and for adult family caregivers, loss of the ability to work for the victim, loss of enjoyment of life for the victim, foreseeable issues in the future, and more. In the event that someone you love died after complications caused by Nexium you may also be entitled to receive compensation for the loss of a family leader or partner, and expenses related to the death and burial, as well as permanent loss of income.

The Husband & Wife Law Team know that the pain and suffering that comes with complications from Nexium use is not a single moment in time, and that you likely suffered compounding issues from multiples side effects over time before the most detrimental effects of the prescription medication took over your life. We will work hard to build a strong case that illustrates what you have been through and experienced and that focuses on the facts surrounding the negligence of the makers and distributors of the proton pump inhibitor (PPI). We will do whatever possible to ensure that your case is filed within the statute of limitations and that you know all of your rights, options, and responsibilities relating to the case so that you are empowered to control your future. For help with your case now reach out for a free consultation with attorneys Mark and Alexis Breyer.