Dangerous Drug Lawyers in Arizona

Millions of patients across the country depend on prescription drugs to treat a variety of health conditions. If a drug company fails to warn consumers of the potential side effects of a certain medication or does not properly test the substance to ensure it is safe for consumer use, dangerous and even life-threatening defects can result.
Our Arizona dangerous drug lawyers will advocate for justice if a faulty medication has harmed you. Our dedicated injury attorneys will review your case to determine the best course of action to ensure you reach a favorable resolution.
What Makes Drugs Dangerous?
There are a variety of factors that can cause a certain medication to be categorized as dangerous. For example, a medicine may show hazardous side effects during the trial phase, but the pharmaceutical company fails to make these known to the general public. Or sometimes a drug can be polluted during production or have a faulty design that renders it dangerous for consumption.
Common prescription medications have been named in recent dangerous drug lawsuits. Patients have alleged serious and even life-threatening side effects, such as internal bleeding, increased cancer risk, blood clots, organ damage, and heart failure.
If you experience adverse side effects when taking a medication, you should consult with a doctor at once who could help you determine whether your issues are caused by an interaction or the medication itself. If you believe a faulty medicine impacted your health, you should also reach out to our seasoned lawyers to discuss what legal remedy may be available.
Who Is Responsible For Harmful Medications?
Numerous parties can be held liable for your damages in a hazardous drug case. If the drug is dangerous due to an inherent defect, the manufacturer of the medication can be legally responsible. Likewise, when a doctor fails to warn their patient of the potential side effects or other complications attached to a particular drug, they can also be held liable if the patient is harmed.
Our skilled attorneys have experience handling these types of cases and will ensure that all liable parties are named in a hazardous drug lawsuit and held responsible. Our legal representatives will also pursue the highest amount of financial damages possible from the at-fault parties.
Deadline To File An Unsafe Drug Lawsuit
The general statutory deadline to file a dangerous drug lawsuit in Arizona is two years from the date on which the injury was sustained. However, an individual may not realize they are injured immediately upon taking the dangerous drug.
In situations such as these, the law provides an exception to the statutory deadline, delaying the start of the two years until the date they should reasonably have discovered the injury, or a physician diagnosed the complication. If you wait and do not file a case by the statutory deadline, you could be barred from compensation. Our experienced attorneys will help you file your dangerous drug suit before the deadline ends.
A Dangerous Drug Attorney Could Assist With Your Case
A dangerous drug lawyer will help you seek monetary recovery for your pain, suffering, medical expenses, lost earnings, and other damages. Unsafe drug cases can be difficult to prove. Our skilled attorneys will investigate your claim and prepare a thorough case for damages against the drug company or other responsible entity on your behalf. Call our office today to learn more about how we can help you.