Workplace Injuries

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Legal Representation for Seriously Injured Workers
As injury lawyers, we are aware that when some people are involved in an accident and receive an injury, they are unable to work. We have had many clients that are never able to return to work. When you have been injured in a work accident, missing time from work can be completely devastating for you and the family. Many workers in Arizona are not entitled to any paid days off whatsoever when they are sick or hurt in an accident.
For this reason, a bill has just been proposed in the House of Representatives. This bill will mandate that employers with more than 15 employees must give at least 7 days of paid sick leave time each year to the injured employee. It is hoped that this bill will help injured workers, including Arizona injured workers who are in an accident. Also, for workers who are just sick it is hoped that workers will feel less pressure to going to work so that they can stay home to get better and not infect other employees and co-workers.
Many workers also have less of an immune system after a car accident. After some car accidents and surgeries, injured workers have less of an immune system. If they do return to work then they can get others sick. During the last H1N1 outbreak, millions of Americans became sick and many of them infected their co-workers. Whether you are sick or injured in a work accident, if you do not have sick leave from work then you are more likely to want to go to work even if you are not feeling well. A recent study by Family Values At Work found that many injured workers who do not have paid sick leave were more likely to go to work when they were sick because they knew their family was relying in their income. This happens many times when workers are injured while at work. The hurt individual does not want to stay home from work because they have to get paid. Furthermore, even when you are hurt on an on the job injury, if you qualify for workers compensation you only get a fraction of your pay. Even then workers who are not feeling well do not want to miss work. Many times workers who are injured in car accident will not feel well but will want to return to work and as a result of their injury claim is questioned by the insurance company. If you do return to work then the insurance company questions whether or not you were injured in a workplace injury, but if you do not return to work then you run the risk of not bringing home any income when your entire family is relying on you and that income. It makes it very difficult for Arizona injured workers.
Speak With a Work Injury Lawyer After an on the Job Injury
There are many different types of work place accidents. You can be involved in a construction accident, an auto accident while working, a slip and fall while working, or there are many other ways that workers sustain a serious injury while working on the job. If you have been injured while you are working, it is important that you seek medical attention right away. If you are working at the time you are injured whether it be a construction accident injury, a slip and fall injury while working, or an auto accident injury while working , it is very important that your medical condition be documented right away. Most injured workers do not realize what an experienced lawyer can do for the injured worker. Even if you are receiving workers compensation from an injury, you should still consult with an workplace injury lawyer. If you would like your questions answered regarding your work injury, contact experienced lawyers at The Husband & Wife Law Team.