Pickup Truck

Legal Help Is Available After a Pickup Truck Crash
Pickup trucks, like all passenger vehicles, are involved in all types of multi-vehicle accidents, including head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, side-swipe accidents, and side-impact (T-bone) collisions. If someone else's negligent driving conduct was the reason behind your accident, you have a right to pursue full compensation for all damages. After serious injuries sustained in a pickup truck crash, your focus should be on recovering your health.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a pickup truck crash in Phoenix, The Husband & Wife Law Team is here to help. We have a proven track record of recovering compensation for the injured in a range of automobile accident and other personal injury matters. Our Phoenix trucking accident lawyers can assist you by building a strong case based on the evidence, and fight for full and fair compensation for all losses.
Pickup Truck Accident and Injury Statistics
As pickup trucks continue to increase in popularity, they are involved in higher numbers of fatal traffic crashes. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that, while car accident fatalities have declined by 51% since 1975, pickup truck traffic deaths have risen by 15%.
Due to a higher center of gravity, pickups are more likely to be involved in fatal single-vehicle crashes, particularly rollover accidents. On the other hand, as pickups are generally heavier than cars, multi-vehicle collisions are less likely to be fatal for pickup truck occupants than for occupants of the other vehicles involved in the collision. A total of 4,223 pickup truck occupants were killed in traffic crashes in 2014, as compared to 12,507 car occupants and 4,097 occupants of SUVs.
Pickup Truck Rollover Accidents
Although any vehicle can rollover under the right circumstances, taller vehicles with higher centers of gravity are far more likely to be involved in this type of accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that pickup trucks are among the types of vehicles that are most likely to rollover under certain conditions.
According to Consumer Reports, one of the most dangerous situations is when a vehicle rolls over. When a truck rounds a curve, lateral forces shift the center of gravity to one side, affecting the vehicle's balance. These forces increase with speed and rapid changes of direction. This can create a pendulum effect and result in the driver losing control of the vehicle.
Rollovers are among the most dangerous accidents for drivers and passengers. The most frequently injured areas of the body in this type of crash are:
Thorax (the area of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen)
Upper limbs
Lower limbs
Most rollover crash victims sustain multiple injuries on these regions of the body, with the head and neck as the most vulnerable areas. Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, fractures, lacerations, and bruises are common in pickup truck rollover accidents.
Get Legal Help After a Pickup Truck Collision
Our accident attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team have the skills, know-how, and resources to investigate every aspect of the accident, and professionally pursue the maximum possible in compensation. Call our office to schedule a free consultation to learn how our dedicated legal team can help you.