
Suffered Injuries in a Truck Crash? What You Need to Know
You know how it happens. You're driving down the freeway, going the speed limit, trying to work your way through traffic on a weekday afternoon and suddenly it happens: you're hit by a semi truck.
These accidents can happen so quickly that you may feel there is nothing you can do about it, but as they occur and afterward, they only play out in slow motion. The injuries that occur in these accidents also always seem to happen in slow motion, causing severe pain and distress with each moment that passes. If you've ever been involved in a car crash, then you know that the injuries sustained in these accidents can make living life to its fullest incredibly difficult and painful. There are many different types of injuries that you can sustain when you are involved in an accident with a big rig and they can put you out of work and out of commission for weeks, months, or even years.
Understanding these accidents, how they happen, what it could mean for you, and how you can overcome the losses that follow can help you better handle the situation should you ever need to.
The Need for a Truck Accident Injury Attorney
Being involved in a semi truck accident is a serious matter and you should never take it lightly, especially if you have sustained injuries. When you are involved in a crash with a big rig, there are many reasons that you may need to reach out to a skilled personal injury attorney. Some of the most important reasons you should consider contacting an attorney after your accident include:
The damages to your vehicle and other personal belongings exceeded $500.
You sustained injuries that required medical care and you were either taken to the emergency room, seen by a physician, or admitted to the hospital to receive treatment for your injuries.
You were unable to work for six months or more as a result of the injuries that you sustained.
You have been unsuccessful in getting the insurance company to pay on your claims.
The trucking company that employs the semi truck driver is attempting to bully you or scare you into accepting a settlement, especially if that settlement will not cover the expenses associated with your injuries and your recovery.
Someone you love was killed in the accident with the semi truck and the semi truck driver was to blame for the collision.
Negligence on the part of the semi truck driver, maintenance crew, or the trucking company caused the accident that led to your injuries.
If you are uncertain whether you have a case that can be negotiated for a fair settlement, you should still contact a skilled personal injury attorney to get more information.
All cases are different and only an attorney can determine whether or not your case can be negotiated. It is important to ensure that you contact an attorney within the statute of limitations to ensure that you do not lose your right to compensation from the semi truck driver that caused your accident, your injuries, and your suffering.
What Are Common Injuries in a Truck Accident?
Like all other car accidents, crashes involving a passenger car and a semi truck rarely end with no injuries being sustained. There are many different ways in which you could sustain injuries in a crash with a big rig.
Some of the most common injuries sustained in these types of accidents, which can have a profound impact on your ability to lead your life, include:
Head and brain injuries caused by whiplash, your head hitting a window, or your head hitting the dash of the car.
Chemical burns from the deployment of the airbag during the crash.
Being crushed inside the vehicle, which frequently leads to crushed bones or to serious internal injuries.
Paralysis caused by severe damage to the spine during the accident.
Back and neck injuries caused by the force of the crash, being crushed, or other situations that arise as a result of the incident.
Broken legs, arms, other extremities, and other bones, like the clavicle or collarbone.
Deep lacerations that require stitches or surgery, especially in the case of lacerations to the face.
Being impaled on rebar or other debris in the crash or during the impact.
Multiple injuries, or death, caused by being thrown from the vehicle on impact or at some point during the collision.
Preventing Tractor Trailer Accidents
The best way to prevent injuries in a Phoenix trucking accident is to avoid being involved in the accident in the first place.
For many drivers, this may seem like a daunting task, but it can be one of the easiest things you will ever do. More importantly, it can be one of the most important things you ever do for yourself and for your family. Although it can be difficult to stay safe on the road, there are some ways that you can reduce your own risk of being involved in a collision with a tractor trailer.
The best safety tips you should always remember when driving with semi trucks on the road include:
Keep your distance. Ensure that there is always an appropriate distance between you and a semi truck. If that means changing lanes to get away from the truck, then do it.
Avoid slamming on your brakes when there is a truck behind you, especially if they are following you closely. Semi trucks need twice the length to stop as you do.
Even if the driver is behaving inappropriately, give the semi truck the right-of-way when the driver tries to take it. It may hurt your pride, but that's a lot better than hurting your body.
Recovering From a Truck Accident
When you're injured in a semi truck accident, you could be looking at a long recovery. Broken bones typically require eight to 12 weeks to make a full recovery, and in some cases may require surgery in order to fully mend and retain full function of the broken bone. Injuries to the face and some other body parts may require reconstructive surgery. For the victims who are most unlucky, multiple surgeries may be needed to repair skull fractures, release pressure in the spinal column or brain, and even to determine the extent of injuries that may have caused paralysis.
For some victims, complete recovery may never come, and paralysis or permanent head injuries will become a part of daily life for those individuals. No matter how these accidents happen, however, it is important to understand when to call an attorney and how to determine whether you need help for your case and for your recovery.
Why You Might Not Need a Truck Accident Injury Attorney in Phoenix
Although many accidents are caused by negligent truck drivers and the trucking companies that are responsible for these drivers, there are some instances in which you may not be able to win a case, even with an excellent attorney. Before charging into a lawsuit, it is important to know the times and situations in which an attorney may not be able to assist you so that you can make an informed decision. After all, a loss in court may make your injuries and your accident even more frustrating.
The most common reasons you may not need an attorney include:
You were at fault for the accident and the semi truck driver had no culpability in the accident or for causing your injuries.
You sustained no injuries in the accident.
The injuries you sustained did not require medical care.
You missed no work, lost no pay, and sustained no emotional, physical, or financial damages as a result of the injuries you sustained.
Your vehicle damages were less than $500 as a result of the accident.
Your case was settled outside of negotiations, arbitration, or litigation and you accepted a binding settlement.
Your case has passed the statute of limitations and your case cannot be presented in court, even if the semi truck driver was at fault for your injuries.
It is important to remember that if you have sustained injuries in a crash with a semi truck, garbage truck, tow truck, or any other large vehicle, you should contact a skilled Arizona truck accident lawyer to talk about your options and receive a consultation. An attorney can help you determine whether or not you have a case and if your case can be settled for fair compensation.
How to Find Help After a Truck Crash
Being involved in a Phoenix truck collision is frustrating, and the injuries that typically come along with these accidents make it necessary to reach out for help from a lawyer. The Husband & Wife Law Team understand the frustration you are feeling after a serious injury that was sustained in an accident with a semi truck. They can help you get back on your feet and make it through your recovery easier and more quickly. Our attorneys are skilled in assisting victims through recovery and with the settlement of lawsuits against the truckers and trucking companies responsible for their injuries.
They will help you determine whether you have a good case and will research and investigate to ensure that your case is as strong as possible before going into arbitration, negotiations, or litigation. For help with your case and assistance in determining whether you have a good case, you can contact attorneys Mark and Alexis Breyer a for a free consultation and help with your legal case.