Surgery Information

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The Husband & Wife Law Team take a special interest in their client’s surgical procedures and recovery. Although recovery may be different for everyone, it is important to focus first and foremost on getting well after suffering from a personal injury. Recovering from surgery in a hospital can be different for everyone, depending on the previous medical history and the type of surgery a person is having. Each person is unique; therefore recovery is never the same.
When you are involved in a injury claim, after surgery, a patient will be moved to a recovery room where nurses will watch over them checking their vital signs as they wake up from the anesthesia. It may take several hours for a patient to wake up from anesthesia. Most patients wake up breathing on their own. After waking up, a patients pain management plan begins. It is not possible to be pain free after surgery, but pain should be limited enough so that a patient can move and cough. Deep coughing is suggested after waking up to expand the lungs and help reduce the chance of getting pneumonia as a result of the anesthesia. As personal injury attorneys, we are not medical doctors, but if you have questions we may be able to help by pointing you in the right direction on who to ask your medical questions.
The patient will then be moved into a hospital room either by stretcher or hospital bed. A common result of anesthesia is constipation and difficulty urinating. Clear fluids and a mild stool softener may be prescribed by the surgeon. The digestive system is typically the last thing to "wake" up from the anesthesia. Once the digestive system is working, a liquid and soft food diet may be started depending on the type of surgery a person has had.
While in the hospital, the nurses will discuss medications, wound care, and bathing options with the patient. Pain management is a very important part of the recovery. It is important to tell a nurse or doctor when pain has increased. It is much easier to control pain when it first starts then after it becomes excruciating. Using a scale of 1 to 10 and "pain faces" will help patients express their needs to their nurse and doctor. It is important to take pain medication before doing activities that might cause more pain, like getting out of bed.
Information About Inpatient and Outpatient Care
It is important to seek medical treatment immediately after an accident and to be informed about the medical facilities that are available.
Outpatient care is provided to a patient that has not been admitted to a facility. Outpatient care may be provided in a doctor's office, the patient's home, or a hospital outpatient treatment center. Outpatient treatment in a doctor's office or clinic is very common today. Many tests and surgical procedures can now be done in an office setting as opposed to a hospital. If a person has been involved in a car accident they can have X-rays or an MRI taken at outpatient care. Patients may also be able to get a cast or splint fitted in outpatient care.
Urgent Care Facilities provide treatment for medical conditions requiring prompt medical attention but that are not emergencies. Examples of urgent care needs include minor sprains or burns from an accident.
Outpatient hospitalization utilized hospital equipment and expertise during the visit, but without the expense or life disruption of an overnight stay. Hip replacements are one of the many procedures available in outpatient care facilities.
Inpatient hospitalization is often needed for a major diagnostic, surgical, or therapeutic service. Inpatient hospitalization is necessary if the patient's conditions or response to medication must be closely monitored. Inpatient hospital care allows several different areas of medicine to come together to help the patient through the healing process. Sometimes a patient will stay overnight in an emergency room and still be considered an outpatient depending on their insurance plan.
After being involved in a car accident patients may need to have home health care depending on their mobility. Home health care is for individuals that are confined to their homes. Such services are provided to individuals that do not need full time hospital care but who need nursing services and physical therapy. Medical supplies and special outpatient services are also available in home health care.
Hospice care is a health facility that provides supportive care for the terminally ill.
Preparing for Surgery
Being involved in an accident caused by the negligence of another can cause both physical and emotional pain. The healing process often involves surgery and it is important to be informed and prepare before going into the operating room.
Preparing and recovering from surgery can be a difficult process. Having a family member there for you during the whole process can make things much easier.
Patients should inform surgeons of all allergies and current medications when preparing for surgery. Creating a plan with the anesthesiologists about the types of anesthesia is very important as well. The anesthesiologists will explain the way that you will feel before and after surgery. On the day of surgery patients will commonly be asked to abstain from eating and taking ibuprofen or other medicines that thin blood. Patients should also remove all jewelry, hearing aids, and contacts. You will be given back jewelry, hearing aids, and glasses after the surgery has been completed.
Once the surgeon has finished a patient will move into a recovery room, where the will slowly wake up from the anesthesia. Patients may feel nauseas and the nurses will give you medicine to help with that feeling. Nurses will monitor your progress and begin to administer pain medication. If you are feeling any pain, it is better to tell a nurse immediately, after pain has increased it is more difficult to manage.
After recovering from anesthesia, patients will be moved to their hospital room. Once in the room, they will meet with their surgeon to go over any pain and discomfort and will be prescribed blood thinners to prevent blood clots while laying in bed. Patients may also be given a plan for physical therapy and may meet with a therapist the day after surgery.
Before leaving the hospital the surgeon and nurses will check bandages and wounds and make sure the patient can complete simple tasks like standing up, using the restroom, and getting dressed on their own. A nurse will also go over medications and directions for taking them.
Being Discharged After Surgery
Once a surgeon determines a patient is well enough to return home, the patient will be given discharge instructions. If any items such as an oxygen tank, a special bed, or a wheel chair is needed nurses will arrange for its delivery prior to the patients discharge. If a patients needs cannot be accommodated at home, a doctor may move the patient to a rehabilitation facility.
How To Use Crutches
Crutches should be fitted according to the height of the patient. They should be between 1 and 1.5 inches below the persons armpits when standing. The handles should meet at the persons hips. A person should bend their elbows slightly when walking to help distribute the weight.
How To Use a Cane
A cane can be helpful if a person is unsure about balancing with crutches, or is in poor overall health. The top of the cane should be level with the person's wrist. A cane should be held opposite to the side of the body that needs support.
When a patient uses one of the aids mobility can seem very difficult at first but will improve. When returning home from the hospital extra care will need to be taken with household items. This can be done by installing a bar in the shower and making sure bathroom rugs are removed to avoid slipping. It is also helpful to create a bedroom area in the living room if the person is living in a two story home.
Discuss You Claim With The Husband & Wife Law Team
If you have questions about an injury claim, call the Phoenix injury lawyers of The Husband & Wife Law Team any time.