Broken Pelvis

Did You Suffer a Broken Pelvis or Acetabulum Fracture?
A broken pelvis is a type of injury that a motor vehicle crash can cause because of the significant weight and impact involved in a car wreck. A broken pelvis can be an injury that is life threatening if an infection ensues or other injuries are born out of the pelvis fracture. The medical definition of broken pelvis is often known as an acetabulum fracture. Also, an acetabulum fracture is known as a fracture pelvis in addition to a broken pelvis. When someone has a broken pelvis this is a very serious injury. A person can sustain a broken pelvis not just in a vehicle collision, but also a slip and fall, motorcycle accident, truck crash, and any other type of motor vehicle collision. As injury lawyers, we see many times that people who are pedestrians or riding their bikes when hit by automobiles will sustained a broken pelvis injury.
Fracture Due to The Negligence of Another
Typically motor vehicle collisions and slip and falls are two of the common reasons that people sustain a pelvic fracture. If a surface is slippery or lighting is not proper, people tend to fall and many times have a broken pelvis. Older people sustain injury to their pelvis but so do young people and teenagers as well. Broken bones are very difficult to heal and almost always a broken pelvis will require surgery. If a person is older, the doctor might think that they cannot withstand surgery. Most broken pelvis injuries will be permanent. If you sustain this injury or another permanent injury in a motor vehicle accident or a slip and fall, you are entitled under Arizona law to collect full compensation from the at-fault party. This includes all future medical bills, all future lost wages and all pain and suffering.
Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
If you have a lot of swelling and bruising and your pelvis area is causing you a lot of pain and discomfort, it is possible that you have a fractured pelvis. Depending on the cause for your injury, you should see a doctor immediately. If you have been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident, it is important to let the doctor examine you and let the doctor know that you have pain in your pelvis area. The doctor will examine you and try to diagnose as to whether or not you need surgery. Typically surgery will come after certain diagnostic tests are ordered. Doctors typically will prescribe pain medication as a broken pelvis is very painful.
The prognosis of a fractured pelvis depends on each person individually. Whether or not you had a slip and fall or were involved in a car crash may make a difference on your prognosis as well. Your age and your health play an important factor in the prognosis of your fractured pelvis. Like any injury, a broken pelvis is no different. Each injury and each individual are unique. These are things that you should discuss with your accident lawyer. Each lawyer like each doctor will approach the case and injury in a different manner. Since a fractured pelvis is a very serious injury and most always will be a permanent injury, you want to make sure that you hire the best Phoenix personal injury lawyer that you can find.
How Do You Find the Best Lawyer for a Broken Pelvis
If you or your family member have suffered an injury of a broken pelvis or fractured pelvis because of a car wreck, it is vital to find a top injury lawyer. The broken bone attorney that you decide to hire should have experience in fractured pelvis claims because of motor vehicle collisions. Make sure to question whether the law has experience in injury claims like this type of injury. Ask the attorney what type of law he/she practices. Does the lawyer practice injury claims or other areas of law? Does the lawyer you are thinking to hire have experience in motor vehicle accidents. Do not hire just any attorney for your broken pelvis injury. This is a serious and permanent and possibly life altering injury and you want the best lawyer that you can find.
Hire a Bone Injury Lawyer at The Husband & Wife Law Team
We can answer all your questions. This is a possibly life-changing injury and you deserve a top lawyer on your case. Alexis and Mark Breyer understand the legal arena and also focus on client satisfaction as well. All your calls will be returned. Mark Breyer, an expert in injury and wrongful death law, will guide you and provide you with honest answers to all your questions.
Contact our law firm today for your free consultation, and if we don't win, our legal services are free that's how confident we are in our legal abilities. As fractured pelvis attorneys, we will even go to the hospital, your home or rehabilitation center to make it that much more convenient for you as we understand when clients have suffered serious injuries and need the convenience of legal help coming to you. If you feel comfortable you can come to our office as well.