Welding Accidents

Filing a Welding Injury Lawsuit
Although welding is one of the most regulated parts of the construction industry, it is also considered one of the most dangerous. Over half a million workers are injured in welding accidents each year, and the injuries a person sustains when welding machinery malfunctions or is used inappropriately can result in serious burns, and in the most serious cases even death. It is for this reason that we have provided some information about welding accidents and your legal rights concerning welding accident injuries below.
Types of Injuries from Welding
Injuries resulting from welding accidents range from UV burns, conditions such as arc eye, retinal tears or burns, burns to the lungs, or burns to other internal organs. Sometimes an Arizona welding accident results from operator error, but malfunctioning welding equipment can also play a role in welding accidents, as welding torches, welding masks, welding tanks, and other welding equipment may fail to operate as it was designed. As with other types of injuries caused by construction accidents, welding injuries may require ongoing medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and hospital surgeries. Welding injuries can even lead to permanent disability, or in the worst cases even death.
Despite the fact that welding is tightly regulated and despite all the safety equipment welders use, there is always the chance that equipment will malfunction or that the user will misuse equipment, leading to a serious welding injury. People exposed to UV or IR radiation can experience ongoing medical complications and, even though the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that contractors ensure safety on construction work sites, some employers fail to provide up-to-date equipment or gear for their workers. This sort of negligence can lead to serious welding injuries.
Workers' Comp and Personal Injury Claims
It is fortunate that many injury victims of welding accidents do not have to rely on workers' compensation, as law allows an individual to file a personal injury claim and file a civil lawsuit to recover greater compensation than a workers' compensation claim may offer. It is important for a person injured in a welding accident, as well as his or her family, that costs are covered for future and past medical care, any lost wages, vocational rehabilitation, and even for pain and suffering associated with the accident. Any worker who has been injured in a welding accident should look into their legal options by consulting with a qualified construction accident attorney.
Find Out If You Have a Welding Injury Case
If you are looking into filing a lawsuit relating to a welding related injury beyond what workers' compensation offers, it is important to first get all the information you need before deciding to proceed. The Husband & Wife Law Team will offer you a free consultation for your case so that you can make the best possible decision for yourself and your family. There is no further obligation to you if you do not choose to proceed in a personal injury claim, and we understand that a lawsuit is not the best decision for every person that is injured on the job. Call today for more information and to speak with an experienced construction accident lawyer.