Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Compensation for Construction Workers With Hearing Loss
Sight and hearing are the two senses we use most often in our daily lives, and the thought of losing either may be difficult to countenance. Although the aging process naturally robs us of some acuity in these areas, that process is gradual and gentle, allowing most people to acclimate and maintain an active lifestyle. The same cannot be said for traumatic hearing loss, however, particularly the kind experienced by people who work in very loud environments day after day. One of the greatest culprits in this area is the construction industry, which is notorious for lax hearing protection and rampant noise pollution.
If you have suffered construction noise-induced hearing loss, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Contact the hearing loss lawyers at The Husband & Wife Law Team to discuss your legal options.
How Does This Type of Hearing Loss Occur?
Structures known as hair cells line our ears and convey electrical signals to the brain when they vibrate in response to a sound. When these cells are damaged or overworked, they can become inactive. Cumulative damage of this sort can lead to profound hearing loss, and there is no known cure. Construction sites, typified by heavy machinery, jackhammers, drills, and other sources of continuous high-decibel noise, can bring about this kind of hearing loss in a matter of days or weeks.
What Is To Be Done To Prevent Hearing Loss?
OSHA has mandated certain standards for noise thresholds, and any violation in this area can give rise to a lawsuit. Moreover if you were not adequately warned or counseled about the use of headphones or earplugs on the job, you maybe able to pursue litigation against the people in charge. As with any construction site injury, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) can be attributed to several parties, including the owner, contractors, even the makers of any over-loud equipment. Worker's compensation may not begin to cover the expenses you will face down the line as a result of your hearing loss, so it is important to act on your own.
The Husband & Wife Law Team has been representing the victims of construction noise-induced hearing loss since 1996, and today our network of medical experts is unrivaled in Phoenix. If you have suffered permanent hearing or vision loss and want to recover the full and fair settlement you deserve, please contact our skilled construction injury lawyers.