Nailgun Accidents

Legal Services for Seriously Injured Workers
Nail guns have become increasingly popular tools for construction workers.Yet nail guns are capable of causing serious injuries and even deaths. Here is some information about nails guns and construction workers' rights.
Nail guns save construction workers time, enabling them to work more quickly and thus making construction sites more efficient. Strips of nails are used, bound together by wire and adhesive to create a cartridge that explodes out of the tool and into whatever surface is the nail gun's target. Nail guns are not just made to penetrate wood, but will fire a nail into steel or concrete at 1,400 feet per second or more.
Nail gun accidents often happen when they encounter flesh, as they have a shrapnel like effect due to the copper wire that is used to attach them. Human error is often involved in nail gun accidents, such as when the operator uses the wrong kind of compressed air, operates the trigger in the wrong mode, uses insecure hoses, or points the tool at someone. This can result in a serious injury or even death. Accidents involving nail guns can range from hand and eye injuries, and when a person is shot by a nail gun it can lead to other construction site injuries.
In cases where a nail gun injury happens due to someone else's negligence, faulty equipment, or an unsafe work site, the accident victim can often legally claim damages beyond workers' compensation. A settlement or successful verdict in a nail gun injury claim can help cover the costs of medical expenses, including applicable surgeries and physical rehabilitation. It can also help with vocational rehabilitation, job training if necessary, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. As experienced personal injury lawyers, we will most often recommend that a person who is considering pursuit of a nail gun accident claim consult with a knowledgeable construction injury attorney with experience in construction accidents. The Arizona legal system is complicated, and an experienced and honest personal injury attorney will be able to determine whether a person can claim for an injury caused by a nail gun accident in Arizona beyond a workers' compensation claim. There is a limit to what a workers' compensation claim can provide when it comes to options for medical care and loss of wages. Workers' compensation does not take into account pain or the enjoyment an injured person loses from life. Though Arizona's injured construction workers benefit from workers' compensation claims, determining whether an injured person also can legally file a personal injury claim may also benefit him or her.
Call Our Construction Site Accident Attorneys
We understand the seriousness of a nail gun accident injury. At The Husband & Wife Law Team, we fight aggressively in and out of court to ensure our clients' rights to fair compensation. Our legal strategies are designed to achieve the best possible results for our clients, and our record in courtrooms prove our dedication towards those we serve. Should you or someone else be injured in a nail gun accident or other construction accident, we urge you to contact our lawyers about your legal rights. We offer a free case consultation and can provide you with what you need to know in order to make the best decision possible for your situation. We may be able to offer you help beyond workers' compensations limited remedies.