Chemical Exposure

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Harmed By Toxins or Chemical Exposure on a Construction Site?
Chemical accidents and exposure are common incidents on construction sites. With so many caustic solutions under pressure and still more chemicals being heated to extraordinary temperatures, it makes sense that workers will be injured when something goes wrong. The injuries that arise from chemical accidents can be profound and long-lasting, and may affect your productivity and quality of life for decades to come. That's why it is important to seek and retain experienced injury lawyers if you want to recover a settlement you can live with.
What Are Some Injuries from Chemical Accidents?
Chemical accidents tend to be sudden and violent, distinguishing them from slower exposures. Some of the most common ways construction workers are injured by chemicals are when an explosion takes place, and when a leak occurs. Either can prove deadly given the right circumstances: an explosion may cause injuries by force alone, and a leak can result in serious burns or asphyxiation. Treating a burn, or a burn coupled with a blunt trauma, can be a painful and expensive process, and it is rare for worker's compensation to cover the full breadth of lost income you may be facing.
Chemical exposure lawsuits can also arise after many days, weeks, or years of being subjected to an overly high concentration of a dangerous chemical. Construction sites are notorious for poor ventilation and the improper treatment of airborne hazards such as asbestos, and workers subjected to chemicals such as these may not face symptoms for months or years. This is why you need a good chemical accident attorney from The Husband & Wife Law Team to walk you through the process of litigation and mount a better suit on your behalf. With good evidence and compelling expert testimony, you could be in line for a significant settlement.
What Are The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure?
Over the last few decades, the dangers of asbestos have been widely discussed and proven by medical professionals around the world. Asbestos, a common building material that was used in the construction, shipping, and production industries for years has been found to cause a variety of serious respiratory issues, including cancer. The longer an individual is exposed to asbestos, the greater their risk of developing issues such as lung cancer and mesothelioma will be. Most workers in the United States do not have to worry about extensive exposure to this material, but workers in certain industries will still need to be aware of the risk that comes with being around asbestos.
What Are Some Asbestos-Related Lung Problems?
Workers are usually exposed to asbestos when they inhale or accidentally swallow the fibers. Asbestos is common in the air, but its levels are too low to pose a health risk to most individuals. Construction and renovation work often exposes workers to asbestos, especially when they are charged with construction, renovation, or demolition tasks. Individuals working in or near older buildings are at the highest risk for exposure. Insulation, paint, and carpet can contain high levels of asbestos as well.
When asbestos finds its way into the human respiratory tract, it can cause severe inflammation and scar lung tissue. If asbestos is inhaled over a long period of time, breathing can become more difficult, and it is not uncommon for asbestos victims to develop a myriad of other health problems, such as the ones listed below.
COPD (Chronic Bronchitis)
Lung cancer
Lung disease
Asbestos fibers have the potential to remain in the respiratory tract for the victim's entire lifetime, and treatment of these diseases is often costly, painful, and difficult.
Professions With the Highest Risk of Exposure
As mentioned above, there are some industries where asbestos-related problems are fairly common. If you have one of the following jobs and you are experiencing respiratory problems, you may have been exposed to asbestos at work.
Packaging and manufacturing professionals
Construction workers
Many of the illnesses listed above, in particular, mesothelioma, are particularly infamous for remaining dormant for several years. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) are in charge of regulating asbestos exposure. If you believe that your employer knowingly exposed you to asbestos, you can report the offending party to OSHA.
Employer Responsibility and Compensation
As an employee, it is your employer's job to ensure that you are not exposed to asbestos. If you work in an industry that specializes in removing asbestos, your employer should take the necessary steps to provide you with safety equipment and limit your exposure. If you can legally prove that your employer exposed you to asbestos, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
You may also have a claim for "secondary" exposure if you have asbestos-related health problems. For example, if you work in a building that is undergoing renovation and you are exposed to asbestos, you may be able to take legal action. If a family member or roommate has been exposed to asbestos on a regular basis, you may also be at risk for lung problems.
Take Action for Your Chemical Exposure Claim Now
The statute of limitations for asbestos-related cases is only two years. That means that if you believe you have been exposed to this dangerous material, you will need to act fast and hire a construction accident attorney at once. Here at The Husband & Wife Law Team, we have the experience and knowledge you need to defend your rights. Get in touch with us now.