Highway Accidents

Highway Accidents Can Have a Lasting Impact on Your Health
Highway accidents are common occurrences that occur all over the world. Usually, because of the speed that is required on a highway, as well as traffic congestion and busy roads, the risk of being involved in a highway-related collision is increased. Driving around the streets does not pose as great a risk as driving on a highway due to the speed limits, traffic lights and general acknowledgement of road rules.
Being involved in a highway accident can be an incredibly traumatic experience that can have a lasting effect on your wellbeing and general standard of life. Sometimes, a victim in a car wreck on a highway may walk away with minor injuries such as light bruising, but in other instances, they may experience broken bones, head injuries and long-term psychological traumas as a result.
Onramp and Offramp Accidents
Ascending from an offramp into oncoming traffic can be an incredibly dangerous exercise. This can be due to the overall density of traffic on a highway and a lack of awareness for other vehicles due to blind spots for example.
Roadside and Shoulder Crashes
This refers to the act of pulling over to the side of the highway. This can create a risk of being hit by other vehicles as a result of obstructing driving lanes and the road in general.
What Are the Causes of Roadside Collisions?
Roadside accidents can occur as a result of aggressive and reckless drivers, drivers under the influence of drugs and alcohol, speeding and external factors such as bad road maintenance.
These factors can lead to crashes which lead to the loss of life of innocent people, and severe injuries.
How Will the Firm Assess the Case To Pursue Full Compensation?
The Husband & Wife Law Team will assess your case in line with what is required to prove negligence. If it can be proved that the actions of another caused your injury as a result of a breach of duty, you may be eligible to receive compensation.
Why Is It Important To Have a Skilled Accident Lawyer Assist You?
Bringing a car accident lawsuit is stressful in itself, and while it may seem like the center of your life at the time, there can also be other matters to deal with in the midst of it all. For this reason, along with the fact that you or a loved one is suffering from a personal injury, you should feel confident that you have a skilled highway accident lawyer to represent you, support you and advocate on your behalf.
The Husband & Wife Law Team are knowledgeable, experienced and sharp. Call us so we can carefully assess your case and advise you as to your available options.