Dial-a-Ride Car Accident Lawyers in AZ

If a Dial-a-Ride Crashed and Injured You, Call Us
When two vehicles get into an accident, it is usually a fairly straightforward case. If one person is at fault, he is held liable and the victim can receive compensation from his insurance company. However, when one of the vehicles involved in a collision is part of Arizona’s Dial-a-Ride program, getting compensation can become more complicated.
Dial-a-Ride is a publicly funded program in many cities throughout Arizona. As such, it is considered a government entity in each city that has a Dial-a-Ride program. It is much more challenging for victims to file a claim against a government agency. Anyone wishing to file a claim against the city or Dial-a-Ride should speak to a Phoenix auto accident lawyer who can help with these complicated cases. Call us today.
Negligence in Dial-a-Ride Accidents
Drivers have a responsibility to ensure that they keep those around them safe. When those drivers work for a public transportation company, such as Dial-a-Ride, their responsibility is greater. If they drive recklessly or carelessly and get into an accident that hurts someone, victims can still file a claim against them, even though they work for the government.
The concept of negligence holds true for not only the driver, but any part of the public entity that contributed to the accident. Companies can be held responsible for failing to properly maintain the bus, or for failing to adequately train their drivers. For example, imagine a Valley Metro Dial-a-Ride bus in Phoenix crashed due to engine failure. If that failure was a result of inadequate maintenance to the bus, and people were injured as a result, the company could be held liable.
Complications in Dial-a-Ride Collisions
While it is possible to sue anyone for negligence that caused injury, filing a claim against a government entity such as Valley Metro or other Arizona Dial-a-Ride programs can be difficult. There will likely be a Notice of Claim that needs to be filled out and given to the city or the state government in advance. In addition, there will be other forms and paperwork that need to be submitted. One small error could result in a valid claim becoming invalid.
The timelines involved in a personal injury claim will also make claims against the government more complicated. While most civil claims have a statute of limitations of two years in Arizona, claims against the government usually have a much smaller timeline. For example, in a case involving a citizen and Valley Metro, the Notice of Claim needs to be submitted 180 days after the accident.
Speak to a Car Accident Attorney
Getting into a collision on a Dial-a-Ride bus can cause serious injuries. Victims may be able to claim compensation for their injuries, but these cases are more complicated than other civil claims and you need strong representation to get the justice you deserve.
If you have been injured in a Dial-a-Ride wreck, call The Husband & Wife Law Team today. We fight for the rights of victims and are familiar with the laws involving government claims. Call now, so we can start working on your case today.